EU Heritage project partnership will work to create a new transnational curriculum for cultural heritage professionals, focused on digital skills, transferable and transversal competences, soft skills, and skills connected to “experience tourism” in the field of cultural heritage.

Cultural heritage operators will become: more able to seize the opportunities offered by ICTs and digital technologies, more open to creativity and entrepreneurship, more able to connect with other sectors - in particular tourism, arts creativity, SMEs, startups and technology - in order to develop new synergies and explore new business models.
To achieve the project goals, the partnership will produce the following outputs:
Identification of skills and needs
in the sectors’ industries, through research activities including qualitative and quantitative surveys and reports. This phase will involve 250 participants, at last.
Training modules
including a set of innovative teachings and learning methodologies and contents for the targeted heritage professionals. Start-point will be the results of the needs analysis, so training materials will be developed. Training package will have a minimum target of 400 beneficiaries and 10 entrepreneurs/start-uppers, 10 creatives, artists or other professions in the field of Creative and Cultural industries will be involved in the training module.
Online learning platform
including Open Educational Resources and all the tools to replicate the training after the end of the project. The learning platform will have a minimum of 300 registered users.
Testing of the training modules
through face to face and online pilot sessions with target groups, organised in the partners countries. 80/120 expected participants will join the national pilot of the training modules and 100 participants the European online pilot training. Results will be gathered in one final pilot report.
Evaluation and Validation
using methodologies and tools inspired by the recently published Cedefop European Validation Guidelines.
Dissemination materials
to promote project’s outputs and to raise awareness on emerging skills gaps in heritage-related professions. A multilingual project website (in 7 languages), promotional materials, social media, press releases, online newsletters and at least 10 dissemination conferences (minimum 500 participants) are the main goals. Dissemination exploitation of project results will go beyond the project duration, allowing replication of the training in other countries not covered by the partnership and for other VET providers interested in the topic and working within the cultural heritage sector.