EU Heritage will focus on an experiential approach and will deploy a cross-sectoral and multidisciplinary methodology that will enhance the potentials of connecting the heritage sectors with other sectors, i.e. tourism, technology, Creative and Cultural industries, entrepreneurship & business.
Through an interrelated set of eight WPs, the 10 EU partners will jointly address the shortage of transversal & transferable and digital skills in the field of Heritage Promotion, Valorisation, Exploitation, Mediation and Interpretation.
The project’s objectives are to:
Define a set of skills
needed in the CH sector (Cultural Heritage) drawing on partner research and on the strengths and wide experience of the consortium in research, needs analysis and training;
Develop European occupational core profiles
for professionals employed in the field of promotion, valorisation, exploitation, mediation and interpretation of CH (level 6 EQF);
Design an innovative and needs-oriented training course
which integrate several sector-specific and transversal skills, including digital, entrepreneurial, and soft skills.
Integrate the materials
into partner teaching or training activities, and mainstream the insights and the materials produced to the CH, culture and tourism sectors across Europe.